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Welcome to our latest lunchtime webinar, held on Wednesday, November 20. This webinar provided an overview of the recent developments we have seen in relation to the ongoing Solvency II review. We also signposted what you can expect on this topic over the coming months.
Introduction: John Mulvihill- 00:00:05
- Aisling Barrett- 00:01:44
Aisling gave an overview of the current state-of-play for the Solvency II review. Aisling looked back on developments in recent months and provided a timeline for the outstanding aspects of the review.
- Patrick Meghen- 00:30:27
The first batch of EIOPA consultations are currently being examined, and Patrick summarised the content of these, which included a closer examination of some topics such as liquidity risk management plans, and the use of scenarios for the best estimate calculation.
- Eamon Comerford-00:49:29
The webinar closed with a session on the volatility adjustment (VA), and the changes that will be implemented as part of the review. Eamon Comerford discussed the benefits of the VA and the further potential benefits (re)insurers might see from these changes, along with the process for CBI approval.