Change and progress
Related Milliman insight
Regulatory developments for life insurers
Our monthly newsletter covers the most recent regulatory news and updates from the ESAs, EIOPA, PRA, and FCA with a focus towards UK life insurance companies.
Shareholder Value reporting in Europe: Solvency II based metrics
Our 2024 annual summary of Solvency II-based metrics details last year’s results and gives insight on key themes in reporting.

Consequences of Solvency II extrapolation methods in the higher interest rate environment
Evaluation of the implications of a change in extrapolation method at higher interest rate levels

Review of Solvency II update: Policy Statements 2/24 and 3/24
This paper gives an overview of the policy statements, including the key changes following the consultation period.

Effectiveness of capital light traditional products, and how they might evolve with the arrival of IFRS 17
In this brief discussion paper, we analyze how companies' business choices have changed with the introduction of Solvency II....

Roundtable: Life reinsurance – September 2023
A roundtable discussion covering the implications of PRA reforms to Solvency II and the updated FSMA bill.

Market insight from year-end 2022 SFCRs: Analysis of health insurers based in the UK
We analyse the Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCRs) of the health insurers that primarily sell UK domestic private medical insurance (PMI).
CP19/23 – Review of Solvency II: Reform of the Matching Adjustment
Prudential Regulation Authority's CP19/23 proposes a substantial package of reforms to the matching adjustment, changes whose aggregate impact will take time to become clear.
The impact of rising interest rates for life insurers
Persistent inflation, volatile macroeconomic environments and geopolitical risks have resulted in central banks around the world raising interest rates at an unprecedented pace.
Shareholder value reporting in Europe: Solvency II based metrics
As part of the ongoing research conducted by Milliman consultants, this report sets out a summary of the Solvency II based metrics that a sample of 21 companies in Europe disclosed at year-end 2021.
The new interest rate environment: Back to normal? – Part 1
An assessment of the increased interest rate environment and its implications for liability discounting.