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Risk Solutions

Own Risk & Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

ORSA: Where some see regulatory burden, we see opportunity


Milliman ORSA Insight


2024 ORSA barometer survey for insurers in Ireland

Snapshot of the market’s view on the use of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) process and key areas for improvement.


Embedding sustainability within insurance governance frameworks and risk culture

This article explores how (re)insurers can embed sustainability within governance frameworks and risk culture.


Developing climate risk scenarios for Solvency II ORSA

European insurers face challenges in the assessment of transition risks on assets for climate risk scenarios under Solvency II ORSA.


Items for companies to consider in the 2021 Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

This briefing note considers aspects that supervisors have recently commented upon, along with other topical areas that companies may find useful to consider when preparing their 2021 ORSA.

Issue Brief

Recommendations for developing a Stress and Scenario Testing framework

This note provides high-level recommendations for insurance companies when developing or enhancing their Stress and Scenario Testing (SST) framework.

Issue Brief

Key regulatory changes in Thailand: RBC2 quantitative requirements, ERM guidelines, and ORSA reporting requirements

In Thailand, 2019 will be a year of considerable regulatory changes pertaining to risk management. The new risk-based capital framework will replace the current one, and insurance companies will be required to implement ERM and ORSA.

Issue Brief

ORSA: Key Considerations for 2017

EIOPA has recently issued a supervisory statement providing feedback on the ORSAs submitted in 2016.

Issue Brief

ORSA: The Irish experience

The Isle of Man regulator is consulting with industry on introducing the ORSA as a new regulatory tool for local insurance and reinsurance companies.

Research Report

Assessing the appropriateness of the Solvency II standard formula

The assessment of the appropriateness of the standard formula is a key part of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) process under Solvency II.

White Paper

Judging the appropriateness of the Standard Formula under Solvency II

This article provides a short overview of the structure of the Standard Formula, presents a suggested framework and worked examples, and discusses challenges and pitfalls to be considered.


Milliman Isle of Man Breakfast Briefing 14 November 2019

This breakfast briefing covers proposals for how the reports may be changed in the future, lessons learned from the Solvency II ORSA process in Ireland and feedback from the regulator on Irish ORSAs.


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