Recovery & resolution
Take a proactive approach to recovery and resolution
Milliman recovery & resolution insight
Pre-emptive Recovery Plans: Take Two
PRISM medium-low and low firms need to review their recovery plans for 2024, as required by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Pre-emptive recovery planning: A first-timer's guide
The new Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) is expected to be approved by the European Commission (EC) in the first half of 2023.

It’s not a recovery plan – it’s a management action tool kit
What can be learnt from the best practices of European insurers’ recovery plans, and how such planning can be used to support a broader enterprise risk management program.

Central Bank of Ireland recovery plan requirements for insurers regulations 2021
Recovery plan requirements update: This briefing note summarises the published regulations and guidelines of the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI).

CBI Consultation Paper on the Regulations for Pre-emptive Recovery Planning for Re(insurers)
On 25 June 2020, the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) released a public consultation paper on proposals to introduce formal recovery planning requirements for (re)insurers under Section 48[1] of the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Act 2013.

Recovery and Resolution Plans: Dealing with financial distress
Recovery and Resolution Plans (RRPs) have been attracting a lot of regulatory attention of late in the (re)insurance industry.

Navigating the options on recovery and resolution
As recovery and resolution planning becomes a focus for regulators, what are the requirements for re/insurers and the possibilities for recovery measures?

Pre-emptive recovery planning for insurers
In recent years, regulators have demonstrated an increased interest in recovery and resolution planning.
Breakfast Briefing 25: Regulation themes 2018
A discussion of regulation themes for 2018, including recovery and resolution planning, conduct risk and CBI risk culture assessments.
EIOPA Consultation on National Insurance Guarantee Schemes
In this briefing note, we discuss the proposed harmonised approach to national IGSs where the landscape is currently highly fragmented.
Recovery and Resolution Plans: More to it than meets the eye
Have you ever wondered what options would be available to your company should it get into financial difficulty?
Latest Recovery and Resolution Developments in Banking and Insurance
This will be a joint presentation organised through the SAI Banking and Aviation Committee and Enterprise Risk Management Committee.